R'tehz Tia
Magitek Engineer by day, Dark Knight by night
Located in Crystal Datacener, Balmung Server
Background Story
Four years ago an adventurer R'tehz Tia was just your a normal seeker of the sun who lived in a Ul’ dahan section of the “R” tribe while studying magitek to help progress his ideas. Everything was going fine in his life until his family and closest friends ran into a caravan of Garleans that just simply filled his loved ones with bullets. While taking his greatsword attempting to fend off this Garlean threat, he takes a giant piece of shrapnel to his face and loses his right eye, and left to die in the desert.He wakes up in an infirmary covered in bandages and a giant bandage covering where his eye should be, the healers have informed him that he was the only survivor. He was laying in the infirmary for days until a thought popped into his head about how he was able to be here and not die in the desert. He asked one of the healers that helped him with the staff at the time. They said a figure in black armor wielding a greatsword came in and dropped you off and walked away. As soon as R’tehz was able to move easier from the damage that he had taken from the Garlean caravan, He left the infirmary as soon as possible to find this person who had saved oddly saved him. While looking for this person, he ran into a bunch of thugs in the pearl lane and tried to take him down.R’tehz was holding his ground, there were too many of them to fight alone and he still has a decent amount of bandages on. When he thought it was going to be the end for him, a figure appears and easily took down the vast amount of thugs in the pearl lane. R’tehz had asked the figure if they were the being that were saved from dying in the desert. The figure cloaked in dark gear just nodded at him and started to walk away.R’tehz thanked the person for what they had done both times and asked if they can train them to be as strong. He basically told the Dark Knight about what had happened to him and this was not about vengeance. R’tehz wanted to guard the people who are not able to have protection against those that abused power, even if it will risk his own life in the process. The Dark Knight has heard his plea and will train him if he will only go through the amount of sacrifice, training, and change of view that will come with the training.R’tehz looked into the figure’s eyes and accepts the terms and shakes the figure’s hand and is handed a black jagged soul crystal within the handshake of the deal. The Dark Knight said You can call me Deep Eyes and R’tehz feels a vast amount of dark aether flowing through himself. For the next few years, he trained with Deep Eyes across the continent of Eorzia. While traveling with deep eyes he has learned about both perspectives of each nation.When had available free time he continues his studies of working with magitek through tinkering with damaged parts and learning from manuals and blueprints to re-create a mechanical eye. After the rigorous amount of training, he had with Deep Eyes. It was the day he had to fight him as a final test. The battle had pushed R’tehz to his limit, but in the end, he became the victor. After the climactic battle, Deep Eyes told him you are now a full-fledged Dark Knight and there’s nothing left I can teach you. They both agree to each other and parted ways a little later when things settled down. After that R’tehz never sees Deep Eyes again and is now on his own, but then realizes, he is not as alone as he thought he was due to the new friends that he has gathered through his travels.Several days after that fight he was able to finish his artificial eye. Although he had no way of installing the device where his right eye used to be. R’tehz had tried to go to any legal healing professional that would set him up. No one would help him until he ran into a person who was crazy enough to do the job. He told the chirugeon about what he wants to be done and surprisingly the person agreed to set up the implant. The procedure was extremely painful, but the training that he went through made able to endure the process of installing his artificial eye. After the surgery, he had some vision tests with the eye and to his surprise, it worked perfectly as planned.After he rested a bit after the procedure he went back to his home city-state Ul’dah and started protecting the downtrodden and sick from the figures that abuse power and other threats that would happen to the innocent. Soon after the poor of the city have called him a hero while the local gangs and authorities a threat to be reckoned with. While he was not protecting the streets, R’tehz decided to work On several magitek projects.When working and training with them he had learned stories about who they are and they became a second family for him and in turn, re-affirms his vows that he had mentioned to his mentor years ago. During the time he was working, he heard about a war in Garlean controlled territory of the former nation of Ala Mhigo. R’tehz was thinking that there’s a chance that he can encounter the fiends from those couple of years ago. So he decided to fight in the war for a chance to get answers about why his friends and family were killed so many years ago.When the dust had settled in the conflict, he had this unnerving feeling inside himself. So the only way that he has to face these inner demons alone. With only some equipment he can carry out on his back. R’tehz sets out to figure out what is causing that un-nerving feeling.
In Character Facts
-Usually has bad luck
-Basically is a loveable goofball
-Works as a magitek engineer with Side work as an culinarian on a normal basis.
-Works as a dark knight when it is needed.
-Has a long list of nicknames
Character Nicknames
Mr. Tia
Mr. Westwind
Grand Warrior
Grease Cat
-Has a workshop filled with a large amount of magitek
Out of Character Facts
-Feel free to walk up and talk to
-Will do 18+ character Roleplay ( no erotic roleplay)
-Prefers character roleplay to be lore compliant